
Formosa must cease operations and leave Vietnam: A Request from the Vietnamese people

Jasmine Tran (Danlambao) - From the commencement of its operations in Hà Tĩnh, Vietnam, the Formosa Steel Plant has continually released toxic waste into the surrounding sea water. It has caused one of the worst ever environmental catastrophes in the country.

In April 2016, hundreds oftons of marine creatures had washed ashore in four central provinces.Underwater coral systems, marine plants and sea birds living on nearby regionalislands were also destroyed. 

The destruction of all thismarine life has had harmful consequences on both locals and those across thenation. People no longer dare to eat seafood products from Central Vietnam.Jobs within sea-related industries, such as fishing, salt farming, seafoodtrading, restaurants, and the local tourism industry have all been heavilyimpacted. This does not even taken the fatal diseases, caused by toxinsreleased into the environment, into account.[i]

Despite Formosa’s admission of its “mistake” in causing an environmentaldisaster, and its agreement to compensate the state $500 million for damages,it continues to operate while local fishermen have been encouraged and urgedinto finding alternative livelihoods. The government has even attempted toexport these fishermen as overseas labourers. Neither the State nor Formosahave outlined any plan to decontaminate the sea so that local fishermen andtheir families could return to their former lives. 

Furthermore, following thediscovery of toxic substances released into the sea, solid toxic waste fromFormosa was found buried secretly in many sites underground in the district.These were found near water sources and reservoirs for human consumption andagriculture. [ii]

The Vietnamese people angrilyoppose the Government’s deal with Formosa. They demand Formosa fully compensatedamages sustained to their economy, and their health and wellbeing. Theyrequest that Formosa return an unpolluted sea to them, cease their operationsand depart Vietnam. Additionally, the State must cease all acts of intimidationagainst their citizens; such acts seek to protect high-ranking officers withties to Formosa and have allowed for the continued operation of Formosa.  

The Vietnamese people arevery touched by the concern of Taiwanese journalists and Ms. Su Chih-fen,member of the Democratic Progressive Party, for the victims of thisenvironmental disaster. We sincerely thank you for your support and help. [iii]

This article aims tosystematically gather the most relevant, representative opinions of theVietnamese people on the Formosa issue. They will be collected through blogs,articles and interviews. The authors of these articles, the interviewers andthe respondents have all demonstrated immense courage, as they riskimprisonment and persecution from the State of Vietnam.

1/Formosa’sdeadly impact on the Central Vietnamese environment

To allow for Formosa’s 70year rent of Vũng Áng, the Vietnamese Government forcibly dislocated HàTĩnh villagers into remote inland areas, compensating them with very littlemoney. Schools and rural markets were all closed so that children from familieswho refused to relocate had no access to education, and adults could not make aliving for their families. Houses by the beach were demolished, and fishermenwere forced to leave the beach area.[iv]

Followingthis, an environmental disaster was caused by Formosa’s release of toxic wasteinto the sea. The marine creatures and vegetation in Hà Tĩnh and adjacent provinces were all destroyed. 

Archbishop Joseph Ngô QuangKiêt spoke about the lives of the local people in Đông Yên Hà Tĩnh on 22 June2016:

As I saw first-hand howthey lived, and visited the coastal areas, I was truly pained. The atmospherewas utterly devastated and lifeless. I wentto a motel in Hà Tĩnh, it was empty with nobody around. When Iarrived at the beach, I saw many boats lying there. Some of them were coveredwith tarps, and they looked like still bodies. It was a landscape ofdeath.

At the beach, there usually are tiny creatures like sand bubbler crabs,crabs, or clams. However, this beach was completely dead; not a single sign oflife could be seen there. When we walked on the beach, all of us wereextremely careful not to let the water wet our feet. Fishermen pulled theirboats further onto the sand, so they could climb ashore without touching thesea water. The sense of death was everywhere.

Villagers’ lives have become verydifficult; in the past three months, local fishermen have not been able to fishin the sea. Their families have barely any earnings to live on. So we werewitnessing the end, the death of these villages.

The fishermen can’t live, asall the fish have died. All those labourers in industries linked to thefisheries – the fuel-suppliers for the fishing boats, the manufacturers offishing nets, the seafood traders, the seafood processing workers, the tourismworkers – they will all die out together.

It is estimated that at least five millionpeople have been affected by this marine death disaster. It is a completetragedy. The surrounding area is lifeless and abandoned. Everyone is exhausted,devastated and dejected.[v]

With the sea contaminated andthe fish poisoned from toxic waste, how can the people of Hà Tĩnh live?
Phạm Thanh Nghiên:

Formosa has turneddignified people who made an honest living for themselves into beggars, who nowmust line up for a dozen kilos of rice - mouldy rice that even dogs andchickens will avoid.[vi]

2/ The united opinion of the Vietnamese people: Destructionof the environment is a crime - we reject the sacrifice of our environment andour future at all costs 

 VenerableThích Viên Định - Unified Buddhist Church of Vietnam:

Sangha/Followers of theUnified Buddhist Church of Vietnam strongly hope for the national economy togrow. However, it must also be a healthy development. We cannot accept anysacrifice of our environment and the future of the nation in exchange foreconomic development. Fundamentally, all developments are meant to assistpeople’s lives. If they destroy human lives and their well-being, such‘developments’ are pointless.”[vii]

 The Statement on thePoisoning of Central Vietnam’s Marine Life:

This is a crime against the environment, causing environmentaldestruction and ecological genocide. Firstly, fish and sea animals have died enmasse, and there are human casualties too. Secondly, this will lead to avariety of diseases for humans and animals, as we have seen happen in manyother instances worldwide. The full extent of the damage is yet to be seen.[viii]

Protesters’ voice on banners:

From the beginning of May 2016, the Vietnamese people have taken to thestreets and raised their voices: “Harming the environment is a crime”, “Destroyingthe environment is destroying life”, “Fish need clean water, people needclean government”, “We demand the state to start criminal prosecution of Formosa”, “Thegovernment + Formosa are killing the people of Vietnam”, “Theauthorities are allowing Formosa to kill Vietnamese people”, “Formosa,get out of Vietnam!”.

In particular, on August 15, 2016, up to 30,000 people attended a rally inthe archdiocese of Vinh.[ix]

Bishop of Vinh ArchdioceseNguyễn Thái Hợp’s Collective letter on the maritime catastrophe of CentralVietnam:

Thedamages caused by this environmental disaster has far exceeded the profits that anindustrial zone could have ever brought. Worst ofall are the effects of heavy metals on human health. We are facing a severedisaster. The consequences of this disaster will not only affect each of ustoday, but will impact on generations to come.[x]

The Civil SocietyOrganizations Statement on the national catastrophe in Central Vietnam:

We, the Vietnamese people have resolutely decided not to preferenceeconomic growth over the destruction of our national environment, over thebenefit of the people, and over our state sovereignty. We, the Vietnamesepeople do not accept rulers who are ignorant and greedy, who are willing tosell our nation in exchange for their personal ambition, their interests, andtheir party’s profit. We, the Vietnamese people refuse to die such a horribledeath as the fish currently poisoned in the East Sea![xi]

 A call for actionfrom the Vietnamese Blogger's Network:

Environmental disastercaused by the Formosa Hà Tĩnh Steel Corporation (FHS) has created seriousconsequences such as long-term harmful effects on the environment, the healthand the life of people as well as the national economy. Fishermen in fourprovinces of Hà Tĩnh, Quảng Bình, Quảng Trị, and Thừa Thiên - Huế are mostdirectly affected. More importantly, living conditions, cultural traditions andfishing developments that took centuries to evolve are now at risk of beingdemolished due to a corporation’s irresponsible actions.

With the death of millions offish, the contamination of the sea will chase away Vietnamese fishermen,subsequently creating more favourable opportunities for Beijing to invadeVietnam by putting Chinese fishermen in Vietnam’s deserted waters.

Therefore, the mass killing of fish in fourcentral provinces is not only the most serious environmental catastrophe in thehistory of Vietnam but also an enormous crisis in social, political areas andwill affect survivability, and the independence of Vietnam profoundly.[xii]

Mr Mai Quang Anh, HàTĩnh fisherman: 

It is apparent that thegovernment had deliberately allowed Formosa to build in the country. This wasdone for the benefit of a particular group of people - at that moment, Mr Cự,Party Secretary and Chairman of Hà Tĩnh, and Nguyễn TấnDũng, the Prime Minister. Their actions can be described in the old saying –bringing an elephant home and letting it trample over your family’sgraves.  In such a beautiful country with amazing landscapes like Vietnam,how could they allow foreign companies like Formosa to establish themselves anddischarge toxic waste into our seas and harm our environment? We absolutelycannot agree with their actions.”[xiii]

3/ Outrageas government deals with Formosa on 500M destruction compensation: Vietnamesepeople demand criminal prosecution against Formosa and an independentinvestigation on damages to humans and the environment – Compensation must beproportional to the damage – Close Formosa down and clean the sea, return aclean sea to the people

After utilising brutal andviolent tactics against demonstrators at rallies against Formosa, theVietnamese Government have approved US $ 500M from Formosa as damagecompensation, without a formal and independent investigation into the actual environmentaland human harms. Formosa, which has not only discharged harmful waste into thesea, also has buried hard toxic waste at multiple sites inland, and releasedhuge amounts of toxic fumes into the air. Formosa’s operations have seriouslypolluted the sea water, drinking water and the air quality of theprovinces. 

Let's hear our opinion:

Diocese of Vinh, Bishop NguyễnThái Hợp:

If a government trulyrepresents its people, it must conduct an environmental damage assessment,including assessment of damages to affected people and businesses. These arecommon principles and practices applied in other countries. Instead, thisgovernment has covertly made a deal with Formosa, and has approved itscompensation payment. In this day and age, such an underhanded arrangement isunacceptable. 

We think that in order toreturn the central sea to its former healthy and clean state, Formosa needs tocease its operations.  If we closely examine Formosa’s actions, it has notonly discharged toxic waste into the sea, but has also made deals withauthorities to bury its hard waste underground. How can such a company withsuch leaders be trusted?[xiv]

The Archdiocese of Vinh’ssuggestions on marine pollution in Central Vietnam -  Priest Đặng Hữu Nam: 

This petition will act asa general message from the Bishop of the diocese. Its requests are: firstly,begin a public and transparent investigation on the cause of the mass fishdie-off. Secondly, provide immediate aid and relief to those affected. Thirdly,request Formosa to clarify how they use the hazardous/poisonous substances theyhave imported into the country, as discovered by the media. Finally, prosecutethose responsible for causing this catastrophe.[xv]

Lawyer Luân Lê:

The impact of this disaster on the environment include: the mass fishdie-off, an immense human cost - a diver has died, many are sick, many had foodpoisoning after the consumption of seafood - and the ongoing pollution of thesea for the years to come. Due to the severe impact of this damage, there is atangible possibility of conducting a criminal prosecution against thosedirectly, or indirectly, responsible. Those individuals must be legally andfairly trialed for causing this unprecedented disaster, which has criticallyharmed our economy and national security.[xvi]

Lawyer Nguyễn Văn Thân:

“Let us compare compensation payments from BP and Formosa: 61.6 billion and500 million. Firstly, does this mean that Formosa will only repay 500 M? Howmuch of this 500M will be used to cover the costs of sea water treatment? And howmuch will be used to compensate individuals affected by the catastrophe? Thegovernment has no right to arbitrarily decide the damage compensation forindividuals and businesses. Only the people should have the right to negotiatewith Formosa.  The compensation payment must be proportional to the lossesin eachparticular case.”[xvii]

A call for action from theVietnamese Blogger's Network:

“A/ Demand a fullre-assessment of the damage to the environment, and to the people's lives. Thismust be conducted by independent professional appraisers so that compensationcan be disbursed fairly and appropriately.

B/ Demand the prosecution ofall individuals responsible for this catastrophe before the criminal courts.

C/ Termination of alloperations of Hưng Nghiệp Formosa Hà Tĩnh Steel Company in Vietnam.”

Dr. Bùi Thị An, Member ofParliament:

The most vital questionnow is how to restore the sea environment. When will the ecosystems return to anatural state, so that fishermen can confidently resume their activities? Thesematters are extremely significant because they have an impact on the socialsecurity and lives of not only the fishermen in four Central provinces, butalso on other industries in many regions. Moreover, how can sea products beguaranteed as safe for consumers? Most importantly, the presence of fishermenin marine areas is not only significant for economic purposes, but alsopreserves maritime sovereignty. The issue is, on what basis did Formosa suggesta compensation of $500M? How much will it cost to restore our marineecosystems? 

A marine ecosystem consistsof fish, shrimp, algae, sea plants etc. These creatures are integral to humanlifestyles; marine ecosystems are thus invaluable and irreplaceable.

We must seriously emphasizethe need for transparency so that our people can monitor the situation and stayinformed. Only transparency will allow us to prevent such environmentaldestruction from happening again. We must never sacrifice our environment inexchange for anything.  Personally, I think we must conduct aprosecution, as this is not simply an economic or civil matter: it is acriminal violation.”[xviii]

Võ Thị Hảo, Writer:

“When examining the evidencefrom this Formosa issue, it is apparent that the Vietnamese CommunistGovernment has in fact abetted the destruction of the Vietnamese people. To me,that is something beyond the imagination of the concerned people following thecurrent situation. It is something beyond the imagination of the Vietnamesepeople.

If we review previouscompensation agreements, for example, BP’s oil spill catastrophe and theirefforts to repair the sea, we can see that 500M is an extremely small figure.What kind of special privileges did the Vietnamese Government accept, in orderto approve 500M? They have no groundwork for any decisions to either agree orreject that 500M. The damage evaluation requires the assessment of holisticdamages – such as the time it would take for the sea to be returned to thepeople in a healthy, unpolluted state. Numerous things need to be calculated.”[xix]

Thục Quyên (SaveVietnam´sNature):

 “The United Nationshave willingly offered their help in investigating the disaster. Itwas evident to them that this was not just an environmental disaster, butalso the struggle of a small nation – Vietnam - at the hands of giantcorporations: MCC China Metallurgical Group Corporation (People’s Republic ofChina) and FPG Formosa Plastics Group.

However, theVietnamese authorities declined this offer of invaluable and reliable help.

There is nowhere else in theworld like Vietnam, where the government will accuse victims seeking help of“exaggerating the disaster” and “having a political plot”, and describing thosevictims as “reactionary”!”

 “There is no countrylike in Vietnam, where the protestors are brutally beaten by its ownauthorities when they make peaceful rallies in order to save the sea and thepeople. Only the Vietnamese people who must pay taxes to feed the powerfulpolice force who punch, hit, and arrest them. Only the Vietnamese police whoare of the same nation and ethnic can aggressively smash the heads of theircitizens with stones in a most cold-blooded way.”[xx]

Mặc Lâm, RFA’s Vietnameseservice:

Many still remember that afew weeks after the sea disaster occurred, the United Nations, the USA,Germany, and Japan all offered technical help and resources to assist Vietnam.However, all of their proposals were rejected without explanation. As inVietnam, technical methods of analysis are still limited, these rejectionsraised questions about the willingness of the state to solve this issue. Thiswas particularly within the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, theministry responsible for the incident both prior to, and after the disaster hadoccurred.”[xxi]

Dr. Nguyễn Xuân Diện:

Firstly, $500M as compensationfor this disaster is a trifling amount of money. Secondly, as it was not basedon any legal grounds, a number of scholars, intellectuals and I have called forlawyers, inspectors, and activists to request the Vietnamese Government conducta criminal prosecution against Formosa. 

Furthermore, we must manage to help around a million of fishermen and affectedpeople in four Central provinces to bring Formosa to the International Court,as we no longer have faith in the law courts of Vietnam. Lastly, as it is ahugely critical issue, we require that this environmental catastrophe beinternationalized to attract support from the outside.”[xxii]

Phạm Đoan Trang, journalist:

The $500M that Formosa has agreed to compensate Vietnam is the pricethe state will take, selling off the country’s present and future.”[xxiii]

Đoàn Châu:

If Formosa remains inoperation here, where will they dump their waste next? The government made aterrible decision when they allowed Formosa to come here, considering theirinfamous reputation as an ‘environmental killer’. Now, if the government allowFormosa to continue operations, they are surely repeating their deadly mistakeagain. 

Put Formosa to trial, make them compensate the fishermen, and kick them out ofthe country. We need foreign investment, not foreign destruction![xxiv]

Mai Thạnh, Hà Tĩnhfisherman: 

"Formosa hascommitted a crime against all the workers of the sea. I request Formosa tocease their operations, for us to rebuild our lives; if they stay, we will alldie of starvation. If they don’t close down, the people will revolt!”[xxv]

Mai Văn Đình, local fishermanin Đông Yên Parish, Kỳ Anh district, Hà Tĩnh province: 

I have to travel to Phan Thiet to work as the sea water in Hà Tĩnh is contaminated with lead.  I request the government to expel Formosafrom Vietnam. And if for any reason they do not, we will not accept that amountof compensation.”

Regarding state-run mediareports on the recovery of the sea and marine life in Hà Tĩnh:

"HàTĩnh’s newspaper was lying and falsifying information– such a thing could never happen like that. I know because ten days ago, Icame back home from Phan Thiết and after eating somesquid, Iwas very sick with diarrhoea and vomiting. I then took some medication -the diarrhoea and vomiting stopped, but then my legs and hands became paralyzed.”

Whenasked about his faith in the Vietnamese Government:

 "Thegovernment of Vietnam has committed many wrongdoings. They betray theircountry, they are corrupt and willing sell out the nation. A country like ours,with a bright future, has ultimately been sold out to adversaries – even worse,those adversaries have been protected. 

This wasclearly seen when security and police forces were obstructing us at ralliesagainst Formosa.[xxvi]

Mai Quang Anh, Hà Tĩnh localfisherman: 

“Did the government actuallyevaluate how much damage Formosa has caused for us? Do they know for peoplelike us, how much each individual has been affected? And what about the total impacts on a village, a commune, a province or allfour provinces? I suggest the government investigate and carefully calculatethese damages before making a decision on compensation payments. It wouldn’t be500M, but possibly several thousands of millions. 

Firstly, those responsiblefor the pollution of the sea must return the environment to its former cleanstate, as a serving action for the people - it is only fair. Secondly, acriminal prosecution must be conducted against Formosa - as the Prime MinisterXuân Phúc has said, the law must be fairly applied to any offender. Lastly,Formosa must be permanently shut down once all the legal measures arefinalized. 

That is not simply a personalwish. The Vietnamese people are now united in this shared perspective, with acollective determination to fight for the truth, and for the survival of ourpeople.[xxvii]

4/To theVietnamese Government: will you side with your people or with Formosa – anenvironmental killer, presented with the International Ethecon Black PlanetAward in 2009?

The proposal to export localfishermen to become overseas labourers has been disrupted, after blood testsrevealed high levels of lead were present in their bloodstreams. [xxviii]The state hasappeared even more dishonest, as they have suggested to doctors not to providehealth check-ups for locals in contaminated areas. [xxix]

Government officials advised people that in some areas, the sea was nowsafe for swimming, and that the sea would automatically clean itself. However,they could not answer whether or not fish were safe forconsumption.  

According to Dr. Nguyễn Hữu Đại,this is a difficult dilemma to solve, as fish and sea animals graduallyaccumulate small amount of toxic substances into their bodies which do not killthem instantly. Those sea creatures are caught, transported to different areasincluding Hanoi, where, according to Dr Trần Tứ Hiếu, there are consumerseating sea food without any knowledge where their fish had come from.[xxx]

When will the sea be returnedto its previous state? When will nontoxic fish reappear?  The lives of theCentral Vietnamese people have become extremely miserable under the repressiveinformation restrictions of the government. Huge number of protestors havetaken to the streets calling for Formosa to cease its operations and faceprosecution. 

1999, from Cambodia,more than 4,000 tonnes of waste and top soil were sent back to Taiwan. Thewaste, which contains high levels of mercury, was illegally dumped near thepopular coastal resort of Sihanoukville by Taiwanese petrochemical giantFormosa Plastics. [xxxi]

In 2007, Taiwanese of allclasses in the community fought to successfully terminate the operations of theFormosa Steel Plant in their country. Why must the Vietnamese Government bringsuch a horror home and let the whole nation live in nightmare? We cannot takeon a risk like Formosa, which its own people – the Taiwanese – did not allow ontheir beautiful island.[xxxii]

Formosa is an environmentalkiller which was awarded the negative International Ethecon Black Planet Awardin 2009.

Social activist Nguyễn Anh Tuấn,who has provided charitable assistance to affected local people, concludes:

Formosa has caused the worstever environmental disaster in our history. It has destroyed the lifestyles of200,000 workers by the sea, and affected millions of others in relatedindustries. It has damaged an entire 200km long marine ecosystem, had adisastrous impact on the economy, on politics, and on social security. For allthese reasons, it is unacceptable for Formosa to remain in Vietnam for even oneday more, let alone 70 years. [xxxiii]

And that exactly is what we,the Vietnamese people, demand.

To the Vietnamese Government,which will you choose? Your people or Formosa?


[i] Xuan Loc Doan. “Vietnam’s mass fish kill isn’t simply anenvironmental disaster” 13 May 2016. http://atimes.com/2016/05/vietnams-mass-fish-kill-isnt-simply-an-environmental-disaster/ (accessed10 September 2016)
SongHà. “Báo động đỏ thảm họa môi trường: rừng ngập mặn Kỳ Anh đồng loạt chết” 28April 2016. http://tinhdongchuacuuthe.com/bao-dong-do-ve-tham-hoa-moi-truong-mien-trung-hang-chuc-hecta-rung-ngap-man-dong-loat-chet-o-ky-anh-ha-tinh/ (accessed12 September 2016)
TP. “‘Vương quốc’ chim đã chết”28 April 2016. http://www.tienphong.vn/xa-hoi/vuong-quoc-chim-da-chet-997957.tpo (accessed12 September 2016)
[ii] Hoài Nam“Bó tay trước lượng chất thải rắn quá lớn” 20 July 2016http://www.thesaigontimes.vn/149001/Bo-tay-truoc-luong-chat-thai-ran-qua-lon.html (accessed11 September 2016)
[iii] [Vietsub] “Việt Nam Cá Chết – Phóng sự gây chấn động dư luận ĐàiLoan của đài truyền hình PTS” 29 June 2016. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_BCiVbbyujk (accessed 11September 2016)
[iv] JB Nguyễn Hữu Vinh. “Người dân Vũng Áng, Hà Tĩnhbiểu tình phản đối cưỡng chế đất đai” 29 March 2014. https://anhbasam.wordpress.com/2014/03/30/2471-nguoi-dan-vung-ang-ha-tinh-bieu-tinh-phan-doi-cuong-che-dat-dai/ (accessed11 September 2016)
[v] TMCNN. “Đức Tổng Giuse Ngô Quang Kiệt kể chuyện Vũng Áng” 22 June2016. https://xuandienhannom.blogspot.com.au/2016/06/tong-giam-muc-ngo-quang-kiet-ke-chuyen.html (accessedSeptember 2016).
[vi] Phạm Thanh Nghiên (Danlambao).  “Hãy cứ tàn phá đi, khicòn có thể” 27 August 2016. http://goc-tin-tuc.blogspot.com.au/2016/08/hay-cu-tan-pha-i-khi-con-co-the.html#more(accessed27 August 2016)
[viii] “TUYÊN BỐ VỀ TỘI ÁC ĐẦU ĐỘC BIỂN MIỀN TRUNG VIỆT NAM” 20 May 2016. http://boxitvn.blogspot.com.au/2016/04/tuyen-bo-ve-toi-ac-au-oc-bien-mien.html (accessed29 August 2016)
[ix] GNsP. “15.8: HÀNG CHỤC NGÀN GIÁO DÂN GIÁOPHẬN VINH XUỐNG ĐƯỜNG” 15 August 2016. https://xuandienhannom.blogspot.com.au/2016/08/hom-nay-hang-chuc-ngan-giao-dan-giao.html (accessed04 September 2016)
[x] Đức Giám Mục Phaolô Nguyễn Thái Hợp. “Thư Chungcủa Đức Giám Mục Phaolô Nguyễn Thái Hợp Về Thảm Hoạ Ô Nhiễm Môi Trường Biển MiềnTrung Việt Nam” 15 May 2016.http://www.daobinh.com/tin-tuc/giao-hoi-vn/thu-chung-cua-duc-giam-muc-phaolo-nguyen-thai-hop-ve-tham-hoa-o-nhiem-moi-truong-bien-mien-trung-viet-nam.htm (accessed28 August 2016)
[xii] “A call for action from the Vietnamese Blogger'sNetwork” 22 July 2016. http://mangluoiblogger.blogspot.com.au/2016/07/a-call-for-action-from-vietnamese.html (accessed29 August 2016)
[xiii] Blogger Vì Dân. “Ngư dân Hà Tĩnh tố cáo Nguyễn TấnDũng, Võ Kim Cự tiếp tay cho Formosa” 8 August 2016. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dsHLBchxPtI (accessed 27August 2016)
[xiv] BBC Vietnamese. “Miền Trung biểu tình chốngFormosa” 08 August 2016. http://www.bbc.com/vietnamese/vietnam/2016/08/160808_formosa_nghe_an_protest (accessed20 August 2016)
[xv] Xuân Nguyên, thông tín viên RFA. “Giáo phận Vinhđưa ra kiến nghị về ô nhiễm biển miền Trung” 28 May 2016. http://www.rfa.org/vietnamese/in_depth/VXN260516-05272016221805.html (accessed28 August 2016).
[xvi] Luân Lê. “Ngông Cuồng” 30 June 2016. https://www.facebook.com/luatsuluanle/posts/1764963293747448 (accessed16 August 2016).
[xvii] LS Nguyễn Văn Thân. “So sánh số tiền bồi thườnggiữa BP và Formosa” 10 August 2016. http://goc-tin-tuc.blogspot.com.au/2016/08/so-sanh-so-tien-boi-thuong-giua-bp-va.html#more (accessed20 August 2016)
[xviii] Dũng Nguyễn/Tiền Phong. “Làm rõ trách nhiệm mớikhông có Formosa thứ hai” 04 July 2016. https://anhbasam.wordpress.com/2016/07/04/9004-lam-ro-trach-nhiem-moi-khong-co-formosa-thu-hai/#more-169681 (accessed11 September 2016)
[xix] Tieng DanViet Media. “Giới cầm quyên CSVN tiếptay cho Formosa hủy diệt môi trường” 25 July 2016. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5QVkCzlJ7xU (accessed 7September 2016)
[xx] Thục Quyên. “Muốn tự vệ hữu hiệu, cần định rõ mốinguy” 02 August 2016. http://boxitvn.blogspot.com.au/2016/08/muon-tu-ve-huu-hieu-can-inh-ro-moi-nguy.html#more(accessed20 August 2016)
[xxi] Mặc Lâm, biên tập viên RFA. “Biển đã sạch. Thậtkhông?” 23 August 2016. http://www.rfa.org/vietnamese/in_depth/the-sea-has-been-cleaned-is-it-true-ml-08232016083217.html(accessed10 September 2016)
[xxii] TS. Nguyễn Xuân Diện. “Dư luận về cuộc họp báo‘Sự cố môi trường’ hôm 30-6” 04 July 2016. https://xuandienhannom.blogspot.com.au/2016/07/du-luan-ve-cuoc-hop-bao-su-co-moi.html#comment-form (accessed16 August 2016).
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[xxiv] Chau Doan. “Giải pháp tốt nhất là đóng cửaFormosa” 10 June 2016. https://xuandienhannom.blogspot.com.au/2016/06/chau-oan-giai-phap-tot-nhat-la-ong-cua.html (accessed28 August 2016).
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